The Battle is the Lord's

***CECI EST MON BLOG. Inspirez-vous et amusez-vous d'histoires et de faits vécus concernant ma vie de tous les jours, ma famille, mes amis, le basket (et autres sports), l'Université, le travail et surtout... l'église et ma chorale! --- ***THIS IS MY BLOG. Get inspired and have fun reading these stories, picked from a range of fiction or reality, concerning my everyday life, my family, my friends, basketball (and other sports), university, work and most especially... church and my choir!

Friday, June 08, 2007

I am back - BUSY me

Well well here I am. WOW I havn't blogged in forever!!
Almost a year now WOW! Well I am back now... Now that I have figured out my new account hehe I am back on track!

I've been so busy with work and church and all, that I barely have time for these kinds of things!! Well now that I am back to my old translation coordination/revision desk, I can at least update my blog every so often. So for all of my faithful fans who have missed me well here I am ! Hehe

Now just an aside note because I can't finish this without saying something about God's power. He has been doing wonderful things in my life that I cannot even describe. It would take me every second of every day to even start drafting these blessings! Since I was just talking about being busy, I remembered something a friend once said, that busy means
Yoke... It struck me and you know what it's true! Most of the time we are so busy with outside things, work, church, families, activities, going out blah blah blah that we tend to forget to spend time alone in meditation, with God. We forget to give him thanks for His blessings, we forget why we are living here altogether!

Now during a brakeup with a loved one, havn't you ever heard your mom or friend say: "oh just keep yourself busy and you'll forget about him/her." Well, coincidence? Nah... I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in the power of God, and I believe that we cannot permit ourselves to keep busy too much and forget about him because we won't be able to attain that wonderful power!!

Well just a thought. Enjoy the posts-to-come!!
God bless you all!


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