The Battle is the Lord's

***CECI EST MON BLOG. Inspirez-vous et amusez-vous d'histoires et de faits vécus concernant ma vie de tous les jours, ma famille, mes amis, le basket (et autres sports), l'Université, le travail et surtout... l'église et ma chorale! --- ***THIS IS MY BLOG. Get inspired and have fun reading these stories, picked from a range of fiction or reality, concerning my everyday life, my family, my friends, basketball (and other sports), university, work and most especially... church and my choir!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


If you ever wonder if what God gives you is enough to go through each day, read this and you will see for yourself that God sends prosperity in many ways...


Enough Happiness
to keep you sweet...

Enough Trials
to keep you strong...

Enough Sorrows
to keep you human...

Enough Hope
to keep you happy...

Enough Failure
to keep you humble...

Enough Success
to keep you eager...

Enough Friends
to give you comfort...

Enough Wealth
to meet your needs...

Enough Enthusiasm
to look forward...

Enough Faith
to banish depression...

and Enough Determination
to make each day a better day!

(Author Unknown)


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